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A Great Listening Experience

Feb 27, 2020

Joe and Tom discuss moving in too early, Cuban law-breaking, and weddings as an emotional trigger. It's a great listening experience. 

Feb 21, 2020

Joe and Tom discuss the Enlightenment (they're broadly in favor), a Claritin audition, screaming matches with ice cream vendors, and the mystifying magic of The Bachelor. It's a great listening experience. 

Feb 13, 2020

Word of the Day. Riddle. Romance. Greatest plant of all time. Acupuncture. Pre-school follow-up. Oranges. Ryan Kailbourne. This. Episode. Has. Everything. It's a great listening experience.

Feb 7, 2020

We made history today. Joe FaceTimes into his own show for searing hot takes about blind Bosnian salamanders and elk meat. Tom is sanguine about coronavirus and wants to buy an Oculus. It's a great listening experience.